Tuesday, 16 July 2013

paper and stitch

These are just a few of the treasures I'll be bringing along to the Paper Tales workshop to be used to create pieces like the ones above - and yes I will be bringing my trusty typewriter, found in a charity shop and carried home on the train. I didn't even know if it worked, I just fell in love with the colour! There are still some places available so send me a message if you would like to come and play with paper and stitch!


  1. Lovely as always Christine, I was asking my husband how far away Shropshire was, and it appears it is quite a long way, such a pity I would love to attend your workshop. one of these days!!! x

  2. Such beautiful work as always I love your sepia tones ~ Sarah x

  3. Oh! That's great! I like it a lot! Visit my blog!

  4. I love your beautiful work-too bad Lincoln NE USA is so far from Shropshire! I would love to join you.
