Tuesday 21 May 2013

more stitching

Here's a few glimpses of my progress on the piece I started at the workshop in Cornwall. It's a long thin piece that will roll up and close when completed. The fabric I've used for the backing is a lovely silk from a vintage kimono which was very badly moth eaten when I bought it, so I didn't feel bad about cutting it up. I love using fabric from old clothing in my work. Of course, as I'm sure you've guessed, there will be a bird to go with that nest, birds seem to find their way in to most of my work!

Thank you for all the comments I receive here - its lovely to read them and I appreciate them all x


Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

This is really going to be spectacular when you're done. I love it already!

Jayne said...

I just love your stitching Christine it is so perfect, and as you know I love your natural colour palette and that little nest is soooooo cute. I love finding old garments and re-using them in my work, I am like you I will only use it if it is damaged then I don't feel bad about cutting into it. Yes I did receive your e.mail, so sorry about late reply. Will reply straight away. Jayne x

Jane said...

I am always excited when you do a new post showing your beautiful work. I love the neutral palette and your careful stitching. I hope one day to be able to see your work 'in the flesh' at a sale somewhere.

The Faerie Factory said...

Such lovely work, you are very talented. Can't wait to see more. Sarah x

Tami said...

I love all of your work and especially the bird nest in this piece! It is so beautiful and I can't wait to see the birdy it belongs too. Would you ever consider an on-line workshop of how to make this bird nest and your other stitchery (please)?
Tami (rotht@windstream.net)

Unknown said...

what a great mixture of fibres for the nest.

i'm not much of a flowers girl, but leaves on the other hand, do make me smile.

Deborah Darling said...

i love those eggs in the nest and look very forward to your etsy shop :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

Just beautiful... the shades you use are like purity itself...
Susan x

snapson said...

Your stitching is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I, too, always look forward to your posts in my email because I know I will be in for a visual treat. Your simplicity of palette and stitch is quiet beauty.