Tuesday, 5 March 2013

more of my memory book

More stitching of my memory book, started on the workshop with Primmy and Jessie Chorley. A few more pages to do and I can put it all together.....


  1. Such beautiful work! I have been on a couple of Jessies workshops and I am going to hear them both give a talk in May. I can't wait and just love their work. x

  2. this is simply stunning :)X

  3. truly inspiring ♦ I love your work! the details are amazing ... ♦

  4. Just gorgeous Christine, I love their work especially primmy's I have a lovely postcard of her work I bought when I saw their work at knitting and stitching show. How fantastic to have attended a workshop, your book is looking lovely. jaynex

  5. Beautiful work! I love the work of Primmy Chorley too,I've read a little about her home education which sounds very appealing, especially on a Sunday!

  6. Wonderful and amazing ... Like it very much

    Cheers, Heidrun
