Sunday 24 August 2014

New dolls....

I made four new dolls for the Cotswold Vintage Fair. Here are two of them. I used my very special vintage fabrics to make their clothes, including fabrics from a vintage quilt, a vintage kimono and a hand made lace cuff. Each doll I make is unique. I can never tell what kind of personality they are going to have until I paint their faces. I struggle to part with them and would secretly like to keep them all, although I never give them names, I'm not sure why. I hope you like them.


  1. They are absolutely gorgeous and we can feel that they were made with lost of love and all of them seem to have already a different personnality.
    I understand that it is difficult for you to let them go, they are nearly like a little part of you !
    Congratulations for all you creations, I am a fan even if I don't post comments very often

  2. Gorgeous creation, I love your attention to detail and the fact you have used your very special textiles to create your dolls. I can appreciate that you do not want to part with your dolls, I wouldn't either if I had created such treasures.

  3. Your dolls are lovely. How much do you sell them for?

  4. I know just how you feel, I make dolls too and very occasionally part with them but miss them. Yours are so very lovely x

  5. They are just gorgeous. I love seeing them every time you post them.
    Do you always use paper mache?

  6. Maybe that's why you don't give them names, because you know you'll have to let them go. They are truly little works of art.

  7. Thanks for your lovely comments. My dolls are £110 each Cheryl. I do make cloth dolls too RoseMary Baty-Willcox, if you look back at my blog archives you'll find some cloth dolls I've made... Christine x

  8. They are absolutely delightful Christine - each one has a different 'personality' - quite delightful!
